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My 1-1 Coaching package will transform your confidence and mindset 

You have everything you need to be the BOSS of your body & mindset!

Being a mum is fucking tough. It's true. But feeling like a confident BOSS in your new body doesn't have to be. 


Being the Boss of your body means you can lose body fat, take control of your time, prioritise yourself without mum-guilt, fit in weekly exercise & see and FEEL results! 

 Picture this: You had it ALL under control before motherhood. An amazing career, glittering social life & rock solid gym routine.

But now, you can barely find the time to brush your hair, let alone get to the gym 3 times a week.

Are you....

 Feeling uncomfortable in your new body, even though you LOVE the baby it created. You used to love wearing your favourite jeans on nights out, but now you are wearing your maternity leggings for WAAAY longer than you thought?

Starting exercise programmes, diets or healthy eating plans, and feeling frustrated and deflated when they just don't seem to be working? and whatever you do you can't seem to target your core muscles in the same way?

Struggling to find ANY time to prioritise yourself & your physical wellbeing? when you used to put your self care FIRST. And all you seem to have is excuses as to why you simply CAN'T spend money on time on yourself again?

Now Imagine....

Losing body fat WITHOUT feeling like you are overhauling your life as well as feeling SEXY in your jeans again

Feeling genuinely motivated to exercise because you are really SEEING  & FEELING the results!

Escaping a cycle of stopping and starting. Feeling like you are physically & mentally more equipped to deal with ALL the challenges that mumlife throws at you.

Workouts that work for your NEW lifestyle

Flexible workout plans which fit WITH your new routine, so you can get consistency & frequency with your training. See REAL results and get your mojo for exercise again.

Support for all those wobbles

Having access to a mini cheerleader in your pocket will make sure you keep you on top of your motivation and accountability. 

REAL results

Transform your mindset around diet and exercise, lose bodyfat while building habits that last a lifetime!

Limitless possibilities

No gym membership? No problem. Boozy brunch planned in? Holiday coming up?  Plans & nutrition advice that accoodates in so you feel 100% in control ALL THE TIME.


1-1 Online Coaching

Be the Ultimate BOSS of your Body

Plan includes...

Bespoke Exercise plans that are flexible for your lifestyle

Daily habit tracking to build sustainable change

Weekly check ins for accountability

Daily Voxer support so you don't need to face any challenge alone!

Access to all group coaching webinars & Power Hour calls to feel part of an amazing community!

Improved confidence & mindset by proving to yourself you can achieve your goals!

Work Smarter, Not harder skills to help you tackle life + motherhood without overwhelm

£300 per month

+ flexibility offered with payment plans!

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